Innovation maturity is a framework that delivers increased innovation productivity

The term “innovation maturity” implies not only that some companies may have higher levels of innovation capabilities than others, but also that they may be enjoying benefits from their innovation investments that others are yet to realise.


Successful innovators achieve a competitive advantage by utilising best practices including Stage-Gate methodology, Roadmapping and digital automation.

At Prodex, we support your realisation of innovation success through the implementation of these best practices, and we know implementation typically follows a progression from ad hoc innovation through to long-range, strategically planned innovation.

The process of Systematic Innovation integrates the business analysis of markets and opportunities with the long-term strategic agenda for the business. It defines the white space in which to target ideation efforts as well as the governance processes for effective execution of innovation projects.


The identification and implementation of innovation ‘Best Practices’ has been thoroughly researched and the focus of new product development management research for decades. Leading this field of research for many years has been Dr. Robert Cooper whose studies have identified 3 key drivers of innovation success: Strategy, Process and Resources.

In the parallel world of implementing effective organisational change, the mantra to focus on People, Process and Technology has prevailed. Technology is recognised as a key enabler of increased productivity and, when implemented with due consideration of processes and resources, can deliver significant payback. 

Innovation Maturity creates Success

An effective innovation program will shift the portfolio towards fewer projects with bigger returns and better profit margins

Increase the success rate of new products

Reduce time to market for new development projects

Shift portfolio balance away from incremental product development
Increase the average value of each project
Increase the proportion of projects delivered within budget
Increase the proportion of ‘new to company’ and ‘new to market’ products
Increase sales and margin
Reduce the total number of development projects


There are many tools and processes which companies use to increase their innovation effectiveness and there are several definable phases of maturity through which companies pass as they progress towards best practice.

Integrating these frameworks, is the basis of the Prodex Maturity Model which places four key drivers of organisational change in Innovation Governance as the horizontal swim lanes and the four phrases of Innovation maturity as the columns.

The four dimensions of the Prodex Innovation Maturity (PIM) model is founded upon the elements.


As companies progress towards maturity in Innovation Strategy, they:

Operate on a longer-term planning horizon

Shift portfolio spending from incremental changes to existing products

Utilise market and technology roadmaps to define product strategy


As companies progress towards maturity in the Innovation process, they:

Move from ad hoc, reactive development towards increasingly defined an systematic innovation processes

Shift from the use of a single Stage Gate model towards a model which has several clearly defined alternate Stage Gate processes

Introduce the use of portfolio management processes to align projects with strategy

Integrate idea management with the Stage Gate process to feed the front end of the innovation funnel


As companies progress towards maturity in Innovation Resource, they:

Move from functionality led innovation towards a collaborative cross functional team approach

Engage resources outside the business to support their cross functional efforts


As companies progress towards maturity in Innovation Technology, they:

Move from the use of discrete documents and files towards integrated workflows

Automate project work flow for discrete processes including Stage Gate and Idea

Integrate Stage Gate and Idea

Enable real-time portfolio reporting

Are at the front end of the innovation funnel

Leverage past project date through ta searchable knowledge management system

The Prodex Innovation Maturity Model provides a framework for the realisation of increased profitability through New Product Innovation. The model is an effective way to communicate the interdependency which exists between the key drivers of innovation performance (strategy, process, resource and technology). It provides a systematic framework for the progression toward an enhanced, world class Product Innovation capability.

Prodex Systems use this model as a framework for defining and deploying its integrated range of consulting, training and technology services to achieve Product Development Excellence.

Prodex Innovation
Maturity Assessment

Prodex has developed an Innovation Maturity Model to aid benchmarking and improve innovation management capabilities.
A maturity assessment provides a benchmark of current capabilities and creates a map of our customers “maturity journey”.
Highlights strengths and weaknesses in your innovation capabilities, and adoption depth and breadth.
Identify and prioritise areas you might want to address first to improve your innovation performance.
Gives you a clearer understanding of how Prodex can most quickly deliver value and a return on investment

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Idea to Launch

Innovation Masterclass

‘Idea to Launch’ is a hands-on interactive masterclass facilitated by Prodex. Download the brochure and agenda below.

‘Idea to Launch’ is a hands-on interactive masterclass facilitated by Prodex. Download the brochure and agenda below.

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Resource Planning; The Key to Effective Portfolio Management

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Situational Awareness as a Dynamic Capability in Innovation Networks

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Targeting the “Right” Roadmapping Maturity Level for your Organization

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Tipping the Balance of Power

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How Strategic Roadmapping Adds Value

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Development Trade-Off Model

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Beyond Stage-Gate® Automating Innovation

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NPD Process Automation the new ‘Best Practice’

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Innovation Productivity – Boom Or Bust?

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Profitable Innovation Resource Planning

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10 Strategies to Generate Higher Returns from your Innovation Investments

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Q&A with Dr. Robert Cooper, Worlds #1 Innovation Scholar

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An Introduction to Strategic Roadmapping

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Q&A with International Roadmapping Expert Dr. Irene Petrick

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Innovation Governance and Portfolio Planning

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Innovation Maturity: A Framework for Increasing Innovation Productivity

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Aligning Product Portfolios with Strategic Plans

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Spiral Development: Lean vs Stage-Gate®

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White Paper - Agile Stage-Gate®

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